Tuesday 17 July 2012

Nokia Leaks Info On Upcoming Phones

Users of the Nokia Remote Device Access service may have noticed a leak on the service that mentions an upcoming smartphone – the Nokia Lumia 910. Apart from it though the Finnish tech giant has leaked info on more phones to come.
There’s a total of six new smartphones that were leaked on the Nokia Remote Device Access service and the Lumia 910 is just one of them with the rest being the Nokia Lumia 510, Nokia Belle 805, Nokia Lumia 920, Nokia Lumia 950 and Nokia Lumia 1001. Unfortunately except for the names nothing else is known.
Still smartphone experts speculate that the new Lumia devices may be different versions of Windows Phone for different carriers while others expect the Lumia 510 to be the successor to the 500 with the Belle 805 being the 808 PureView minus the camera. Other experts suggest these smartphones will be all Windows Phone 8-based after the fiasco with the current Lumia generation.
Which suggestion is correct? Sadly, this remains to be seen.


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