Tuesday 26 June 2012

Nagarjuna's Bhai Shooting Starts From September

King Nagarjuna will be acting in a film directed by Veerabadram and this movie is gearing up to start in September. 'Bhai' is the title of the movie. This movie is being produced by Nagarjuna on Annapurna studios banner. Nagarjuna will play a don role with funny kind of attitude.  

At present Nagarjuna is busy with his new film 'Love Story' under Dasarth direction. Love Story has started his regular shoot recently and currently progressing in Hyderabad. Nayantara is the female lead in this film. After completion of this movie Nagarjuna will start working for 'Bhai'.

Nagarjuna will start working for this movie from September which will be a quickie like Veerabhadram’s previous films. Currently story settings of the movie are going on in Hyderabad. Rest of the star cast and technical crew is not at finalized. It will be done in coming up months before the movie hit the sets.


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